NUTRIT10N Challenge
Carlette Patterson
caio de souza
Are you up for the NUTRIT10N Challenge?
What is one winning strategy you can implement in your life today?
Practice Conscious Eating
What Causes Bloating?
Trust the Process
What is Bio Individuality?
10 Talks CONVERSAT10N -
Discovering the Best Weight for
High Performance
Learn about the winning strategies and performance barriers during the process of weight loss or weight gain.
Weight gain depends on a calorie surplus, whereas weight loss depends on a calorie deficit.
Weight loss should not be a goal during competition season due to the amount of energy availability (EA) your body needs to perform basic functions and achieve peak performance.
Alcohol can be the biggest performance barrier to reaching weight goals.
10 Talks CONVERSAT10N -
Sports Hydration
Learn about the symptoms of dehydration, when athletes should drink water and the best tips for hydration.
The symptoms of dehydration include dizziness, brain fog, exhaustion, and the best way to check your level of hydration is by observing your urine color.
The correct amount of water depends on the person’s sweat rate plus environmental factors such as the weather and level of physical activity. The average amount of water per person should be around three liters per day.
Drink 12-16 ounces of water in the morning to rehydrate your body after sleeping. Stop drinking water about two hours before bedtime so you can sleep through the night uninterrupted.
10 Talks CONVERSAT10N -
Energy Availability
Learn about the importance of energy availability and how to fuel for prolonged performance before, during and after strenuous training.
Energy availability is the amount of energy that remains available to sustain your body’s normal functions, excluding (subtracting) the energy you spent during high intensity exercise.
The nutritional choices we make today will set us up for success tomorrow because our body is storing energy and releasing it.
Use the analogy of your nutrition as your “body account”, as you would think of a bank account. We want to ‘deposit’ foods in the account that will fuel us, but ‘withdrawals’, such as cheat meals are welcomed if you keep a positive balance.
Sports Nutrition 101: Macronutrients
Learn about fueling for peak performance, why the timing of your nutrition matters, and how to build a balanced meal.
Macronutrients – carbohydrates, fats, and proteins – are essential for maintaining levels of energy for peak performance and optimal recovery.
Three to five hours before training athletes should eat large, well-balanced meals that include complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and lean proteins. One hour before training or during training athletes should eat simple carbohydrates to maintain glycogen (energy reserve) levels in the body. Post-training an athlete should focus on eating or drinking 20-30 grams of protein.
10 Talks CONVERSAT10N - Nutritional Theories
and Bio Individuality
Learn about how to figure out what foods or diets work best for you, being conscious and aware of your body’s messages, and how to trust the nutrition process.
Bio individuality is all about being able to tune into our bodies and recognize how they are trying to speak to us. Listen to those signs and Watch Your Film to ask yourself your stat on your meal (1-10, 10 being fabulous) and what Performance Barriers are getting in the way of being able to achieve peak performance. Learn what you could do differently from a dietary perspective to be able to feel like a 10 for the next time.
Competitive Greatness is all about being competitively great for you rather than against others. The components of this tool are Truth, Faith, and Love. Truth; What is the truth about the foods you are eating and how they are making you feel? Faith: Trust the process; results will not happen overnight, but listening to your body will help guide you toward what’s right for you. Love: Are you incorporating self-love into your journey? Food = nourishment for your body.
How long does it take for me to have faith in the process of changing my nutritional choices before I feel it in my body and see it in my performance? This might take a week or two; however, with trial and error, you will eventually find what works for you. Understanding what your body is telling you is a skill, which like anything else, must be practiced.